Mindfulness physical therapy, pain management, rehabilitation

Living with Cancer

In the fall of 2019, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. While in treatment, I have had periods of relative well-being, minimum secondary effects of treatment and few activity limitations. I have also experienced periods of feeling very poorly, serious secondary effects of treatment and significant activity limitations. At times, I write short essays about my experiences and share them with my physician and a spiritual friend. Both have encouraged me to share them with a wider audience. They were confident the essays could benefit others diagnosed with metastatic cancer. I am nearing 70 years old and appreciate being diagnosed with cancer at my age is different than being diagnosed at a much younger age or being diagnosed with other types of cancers. I acknowledge my experience may or may not speak to others with cancer. Recognizing these potential limitations, I offer the essays in the spirit that they may benefit others. Posts under this topic, Living with Cancer, describe my experiences living with metastatic breast cancer.